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Date 2020-02-14

Top-notch in Taiwan, Outstanding Performance


In the 2008 departmental evaluation by the Educational Evaluation Development Group of the Learning and Teaching Center at Tamkang University, the department ranked second in the economics field. In specific rankings, the department was in the top three nationwide in terms of reputation in the industry, student quality, faculty resources, and research activities, except for the sixth place in academic reputation. When focusing on the field of public finance (taxation), the department is the top academic unit nationwide. The department has always prided itself on being the leader in Taiwan's financial academia, striving for excellence and surpassing it, aiming to become the benchmark and model for public finance departments in Asia.


Pursuing Excellence, Innovative Development


The department has always been committed to providing the highest level of education to undergraduate and graduate students, with a flexible curriculum design to give graduates a competitive edge in the global economic framework. The department believes that the most valuable human resources in today's international political and economic situation must have the ability to identify potential threats before they become actual problems, the courage and responsibility to face challenges when problems arise, and the capability to develop effective solutions when encountering difficult issues. Additionally, the department deeply recognizes the necessity of cultivating students' communication and leadership skills both vertically and horizontally.

In the undergraduate curriculum design, based on a solid foundation of balanced training in economics and accounting, the program is divided into three groups: Taxation, Financial Management, and Public Economics, according to students' interests and future development plans. This curriculum design, which focuses on public finance with concurrent deepening in economics and accounting, aims to cultivate students' ability to respond to future challenges and to develop the qualities needed to succeed in a constantly evolving economic environment. Since its inception, graduates have excelled in business, government, and academia, becoming innovators and leaders in their respective fields.

In the graduate program, unlike business, economics, and accounting institutes, the department emphasizes research that balances theoretical analysis and policy application, encouraging students to conduct independent research on public-related issues. Over the years, graduates of the department's graduate program have played key roles in national economic development policies, contributing to policy formulation and decision-making. They also serve as innovators and leaders in the education and research of finance and economics in major universities and independent research institutions nationwide.

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