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林其昂 教授
職稱 教授
直撥電話 29387296
校內分機 50940
電子郵件 calin@nccu.edu.tw
辦公地點 綜合院館南棟9樓270940室
類別 專任
研究專長 循環經濟、永續發展、制度變遷、生命歷程
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2024.06, 'The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Institutional Change, ' Journal of Economic Issues (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 1.0), Vol.58, No.2, pp.511-516.(SSCI)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2022.06, 'MMT or Public Enterprises? A Contribution to Economic Sustainability, ' Journal of Economic Issues (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 1.0), Vol.56, No.2, pp.455-462.(SSCI)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2021.06, 'Institutional Failure and Sustainability Policy, ' Journal of Economic Issues (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 1.0), Vol.55, No.2, pp.454-460.(SSCI)
  • Mingming Pan*;Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2020.12, 'An Econometric Analysis of Hispanic Migration in the United States, ' Applied Economics (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 1.8), Vol.52, No.57, pp.6183-6198.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2020.06, 'Sustainable Growth: A Circular Economy Perspective (首次提出Circular GDP 以及 CENIA 循環經濟國民所得帳的分析架構), ' Journal of Economic Issues (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 1.0), Vol.54, No.2, pp.465-471.(SSCI)
  • 林其昂, 2017.01, '中國經濟轉型升級的內生成長途徑, ' 財經智庫, Vol.2, No.1, pp.126-137.
  • Yunmin Chen;Brian Chi-ang Lin*;John E. Anderson, 2016.07, 'Environmental Sustainability and the Greened Samuelson Rule, ' Journal of Economic Surveys (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 5.9), Vol.30, No.3, pp.482-496.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin*;Siqi Zheng, 2016.07, 'A New Direction in Environmental Economics, ' Journal of Economic Surveys (SSCI; 2023 Impact Factor: 5.9), Vol.30, No.3, pp.397-402.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Donald A.R. George;Brian Chi-ang Lin*;Yunmin Chen, 2015.11, 'A Circular Economy Model of Economic Growth (GLC Model, 第一篇探討循環經濟的理論模型文章), ' Environmental Modelling & Software (2023 Impact Factor: 4.8), Vol.73, pp.60-63.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2015.10, 'Institutional Fundraising: An Analysis of Taiwan's Religious Enterprises, ' Forum for Social Economics, Vol.44, No.3, pp.284-296.(ESCI)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2008.09, 'More Government or Less Government? Further Thoughts for Promoting the Government, ' Journal of Economic Issues (2023 Impact Factor: 1.0), Vol.42, No.3, pp.803-821.(SSCI)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2007.07, 'A New Vision of the Knowledge Economy, ' Journal of Economic Surveys (2023 Impact Factor: 5.9), Vol.21, No.3, pp.553-584.(SSCI) 參考連結
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2006.11, 'A Sustainable Perspective on the Knowledge Economy: A Critique of Austrian and Mainstream Views, ' Ecological Economics (2023 Impact Factor: 6.6), Vol.60, No.1, pp.324-332.(SSCI, SCIE) 參考連結
  • Chi-ang Lin, 2005.01, 'China's Future and Taiwan's Past: An Institutional Perspective, ' Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, Vol.15, pp.49-63. 參考連結
  • Chi-ang Lin, 2002.12, '''Structural'' Wagner's Law and Institutional Dynamics: An Evolutionary Perspective, ' Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol.53, No.2, pp.175-194.
  • Chi-ang Lin, 2002.05, 'On the Level of Persistence in Government Size: Time-Series Evidence and Implications for the US, ' Applied Economics (2023 Impact Factor: 1.8), Vol.34, No.8, pp.999-1005.(SSCI) 參考連結
  • 林其昂;楊嘉林, 2001.06, '臺灣經濟體系中之「官商合一」制度的影響範疇, ' 人文及社會科學集刊, Vol.13, No.2, pp.135-168.(TSSCI) 參考連結
  • 林其昂;陳詠怡, 2000.12, '探究制度變遷的重要性 - 以租稅邊際超額負擔為例, ' 經濟論文, Vol.28, No.4, pp.397-427.(TSSCI) 參考連結
  • Chi-ang Lin, 1997.08, 'The Trade Balance and the Real Exchange Rate: The US Evidence from 1973:3 to 1994:9, ' Applied Economics Letters (2023 Impact Factor: 1.2), Vol.4, No.8, pp.517-520.(SSCI) 參考連結
  • Chi-ang Lin, 1995.12, 'More Evidence on Wagner's Law for Mexico, ' Public Finance/Finances Publiques, Vol.50, No.2, pp.267-277. 參考連結
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2022.01, 'MMT or Public Enterprises? A Contribution to Economic Sustainability, ' ASSA 2022 Annual Meeting, ASSA.
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2021.01, 'Institutional Failure and Sustainability Policy, ' ASSA 2021 Annual Meeting, ASSA.
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2020.01, 'Sustainable Growth: A Circular Economy Perspective, ' ASSA 2020 Annual Meeting, ASSA.
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2020.01, 'Circular GDP: A New Sustainability Indicator, ' The 2020 ICAPE (International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics) Conference, ICAPE.
  • Jhy-Yuan Shieh;Brian Chi-ang Lin*;Jhy-Hwa Chen, 2019.11, 'A Circular Economy Model of Sustainable Growth, ' Southern Economic Association 89th Annual Meeting, Southern Economic Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yunmin Chen;Brian Chi-ang Lin*;John E. Anderson, 2015.08, 'Environmental Sustainability and the Greened Samuelson Rule, ' Journal of Economic Surveys Special Issue and International Conference: The Economics of Climate Change, Journal of Economic Surveys, National Chengchi University, and Tsinghua University.(*為通訊作者)
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin, 2015.01, 'A Note on the Methodology of Vector Autoregressions (VARs): The Missing Role of Institutional Dynamics, ' WEAI 11th International Conference, WEAI.
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin*;Yunmin Chen, 2013.03, 'An Original Circular Economy Model for Sustainability, ' Western Economic Association 10th Biennial Pacific Rim Conference, Western Economic Association International.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yunmin Chen;Brian Chi-ang Lin*, 2012.06, 'Green Spending, Environmental Sustainability, and Optimal Taxation, ' The Association for Public Economic Theory 13th Annual Conference, Academia Sinica.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yun-min Chen;Chi-ang Lin*, 2010.11, 'Green Spending, Environmental Sustainability, and Optimal Taxation, ' The 80th Southern Economic Association Annual Conference, Southern Economic Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林其昂;賴育邦, 2008.11, 'Spending Cooperation for the Provision of International Public Goods, ' 101st Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2005.11, 'A New Vision of the Knowledge Economy, ' the 17th Annual Conference of European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy (EAEPE). 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2005.07, 'A Sustainable Perspective on the Knowledge Economy: A New Vision, ' the US Society for Ecological Economics (USSEE) Third Biennial Conference. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2005.04, 'Economic Efficiency and Institutional Changes: Analyses and Implications for Public Policy, ' the Association for Institutional Thought (AFIT) 2005 Conference. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2004.10, 'More Government or Less Government? The Iron Triangle vs. The Middle Class, ' The 52nd Annual Conference of the JSPE, Japan Society of Political Economy (JSPE). 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2004.07, 'On Political Economy and Economic Politics: The Circular Flow of Money and Power, ' The 6th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, The Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE). 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2003.07, 'An Institutional Perspective on Fundraising: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan''s Educational and Religious Groups, ' The SABE 2003 Conference, Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE).
  • 林其昂, 2003.06, 'How Should We Pay for Knowledge?, ' The First ICAPE (International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics) Conference, ICAPE. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2002.05, 'A Simple Theory of Institutional Change: from Political Economy to Economic Politics, ' 政治經濟學研討會, 中央研究院經濟研究所. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2002.04, 'A Simple Theory of Institutional Change: from Political Economy to Economic Politics, ' 第三屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會, 暨南國際大學經濟學系. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2001.06, 'An Institutional Perspective on Fundraising: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan''s Educational and Religious Groups, ' 公共經濟學研討會, 台北大學財政系.
  • 林其昂, 2001.05, 'An Institutional Perspective on Fundraising: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan''s Educational and Religious Groups, ' The International Interdisciplinary Conference on Economics and Sociology (I), Tunghai University.
  • 林其昂, 2001.05, 'Socioeconomic Consequences of Fiscal Reform in Mainland China: An Institutionalist Perspective, ' 中國大陸制度變遷對經濟成長之影響學術研討會, 政治大學社會科學學院. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2000.12, 'The Institutional Exposition of Fundraising Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan''s Educational and Religious Groups, ' The 2000 Taipei International Conference on Public Finance and Welfare, Academia Sinica.
  • 林其昂, 2000.12, 'The Institutional Exposition of Fundraising Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan''s Educational and Religious Groups, ' 台灣經濟學會2000年年會, 台灣經濟學會.
  • 林其昂, 2000.06, '''Structural'' Wagner''s Law and Institutional Dynamics: An Evolutionary Perspective, ' 公共經濟學研討會, 中央研究院.
  • 林其昂, 1999.11, 'Institutional Change, Government Size, and Wagner''s Law, ' The 69th Southern Economic Association Annual Conference, SEA.
  • 林其昂, 1999.07, 'Institutional Change, Government Size, and Wagner''s Law, ' The 74th Western Economic Association International Conference, WEA International.
  • 林其昂, 1999.03, 'A Stochastic Time-Series Model of Government Size, ' The 63rd Midwest Economics Association Meeting, MEA. 參考連結
  • Brian Chi-ang Lin*;Siqi Zheng, 2017.03, 'Environmental Economics and Sustainability (eds.), ' WILEY Blackwell.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林其昂, 1996, 'Empirical Analysis of the Size and Growth of Government: Wagner's Law and Beyond, ' The University of Nebraska Dissertation. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2010, 'Green Politics, ' International Encyclopedia of Public Policy, Vol. 4: Social, Environmental and Corporate Governance., GPERU, Curtin University, pp.289-299. 參考連結
  • 林其昂, 2009, 'Human Capital and Knowledge, ' International Encyclopedia of Public Policy, Vol. 2: Economic Policy, GPERU, Curtin University, pp.358-373. 參考連結
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