Journal Papers
- 連賢明;曾中信*;楊子霆;韓幸紋;羅光達, 2021.03, '臺灣財富分配2004-2014:以個人財產登錄資料推估, ' 經濟論文叢刊, Vol.49, No.1, pp.77-130.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Ta-Sheng Chou;Stephanie Tsui, 2020.11, 'The Asymmetric Behavior of Household Consumption under the Business Cycle, ' The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.54, No.3, pp.1-13.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Tang, Xiaojian;Stephanie Tsui*;Kuang-Ta Lo, 2020.11, 'Local Institutional Environment and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China, ' The Singapore Economic Review, pp.1-22.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Jiun-Nan Pan;Shi-Shu Peng, 2020.07, 'The Role of Gender and Its Potential Channels to Affect Self-employment in Taiwan, ' Economic Modelling, Vol.89, pp.601-610.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Ta-Sheng Chou;Ping-Hung Chou, 2019.01, 'A Study of Asymmetric Reactions of Tax Revenues, ' The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol.18, No.3, pp.255-266.(JEL, EconLit)(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;羅時萬;張佳雯, 2016.11, '菸品走私對我國菸品稅捐收入之影響推估-以進出口貿易資料為例, ' 財稅研究, Vol.45, No.6, pp.1-26.(*為通訊作者)
- 胡偉民*;陳嘉雯;羅光達, 2016.10, '結合決定事後影響評估之研究-以事件研究法為例, ' 公平交易季刊, Vol.24, No.4, pp.1-30.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 何怡澄*;郭振雄;羅光達;陳國樑, 2015.12, '研發投資抵減與資金使用者成本對企業研發投資之實證分析, ' 財稅研究, Vol.44, No.5, pp.62-101.(*為通訊作者)
- 郭振雄;羅光達*, 2015.04, '臺灣非營利醫療機構之財務報表分析:資料包絡分析法的應用, ' 管理與系統, Vol.22, No.2, pp.205-228.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 吳明彥;羅光達*, 2014.09, '景氣循環下的地方政府租稅努力-以土地稅為例, ' 財稅研究, Vol.43, No.5, pp.78-101.(*為通訊作者)
- 郭振雄*;何怡澄;羅光達, 2014.06, '非營利醫院負債融通與捐贈收入的關聯性, ' 臺大管理論叢, Vol.24, No.2, pp.151-180.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 郭振雄;陳香梅*;羅光達, 2014.06, '台灣工業部門二氧化碳之排放減量成本:環境方向性距離函數之應用, ' 應用經濟論叢, Vol.95, pp.147-189.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 羅光達*;彭祐宜;韓幸紋, 2014.01, '我國財政餘額結構性問題分析, ' 財稅研究, Vol.43, No.1, pp.84-119.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 黃智聰*;羅光達;陳寶慧, 2013.07, '中小企業薪資不均程度對其經營績效之影響─以台北縣製造業為例, ' 管理與系統, Vol.20, No.3, pp.459-480.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Hsin-Yi;Kuang-Ta Lo*, 2012.10, 'Tax Incentives and Charitable Contributions -The Evidence from Quantile Regression, ' Pacific Economic Review, Vol.17, No.4, pp.535-558.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Huang, Jr-Tsung;Kuang-Ta Lo*;Po-Wen She, 2012.03, 'The Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on the Tax Effort of China''s Local Governments after the Tax Sharing System, ' Singapore Economic Review, Vol.57, No.1, pp.1250005-1-1250005-22.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*, 2012.03, 'The Crowding-out Effect of Homeownership on Fertility, ' Journal of Family and Economic Issue, Vol.33, No.1, pp.108-117.(JEL)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 許績天;韓幸紋*;連賢明;羅光達, 2011.08, '部分負擔調整對醫療利用的衝擊:以2005年政策調整為例, ' 台灣衛誌, Vol.30, No.4, pp.326-336.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 張筵儀;陳金哲;羅光達, 2011.06, '水權費開徵之可行性評估, ' 政治學報, Vol.51, pp.53-103.(TSSCI) Ref.
- Pan, Jiun-Nan*;Kuang-Ta Lo;Jr-Tsung Huang, 2008.12, 'Are Rich Earners Time-Privileged in Taiwan? The Evidence from 1981 to 2006, ' Journal of Family and Economic Issues, Vol.29, No.4, pp.584-600.(JEL)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Conference Papers
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Stephanie Tsui;Pei-Yuan Chao, 2019.03, 'A Study of Cigarettes Consumption in Taiwan: The Quantile Regression Approach, ' 15th International Conference of Western Economics Association International, Western Economics Association International.(*為通訊作者)
- Tang, Xiaojian*;Stephanie Tsui;Kuang-Ta Lo, 2019, 'Regional Institutional Environment and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from China, ' International Conference of Association for China Economic Studies, ACES.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Tzu-Ting Yang;Hsing-Wen Han;Hsuan-Hua Huang, 2019, 'Windfall Income and Charitable Giving: A Study from Lottery Winners, ' Singapore Economic Review Conference, Singapore Economic Review.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 連賢明;曾中信*;楊子霆;韓幸紋;羅光達, 2019, '臺灣財富分配2004–2014:以個人財產登錄資料推估, ' 總體經濟計量模型研討會, 中央研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Tzu-Ting Yang;Hsing-Wen Han;Hsuan-Hua Huang, 2019, 'Does Being Wealthy Make You Donate: Evidence from Lottery Winners in Taiwan, ' 總體經濟計量模型研討會, 中央研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- Han, Hsing-Wen*;Kuang-Ta Lo;Tzu-Ting Yang;Yung-Yu Tsai, 2019, 'Do People have Children when they become Rich? Evidence from Lottery Winners in Taiwan, ' 台灣經濟學會年會, 台灣經濟學會.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Tzu-Ting Yang;Hsing-Wen Han;Hsuan-Hua Huang, 2019, 'Windfall Gain and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Lottery Winners in Taiwan, ' 台灣經濟學會年會, 台灣經濟學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 楊渝文*;羅光達;韓幸紋;楊子霆, 2019, '營利事業所得稅有效稅率對公司內部所得分配之影響, ' 中華財政學會年會, 中華財政學會.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Ta-Sheng Chou;Stephanie Tsui, 2018.07, 'The Asymmetric Behavior of Household Consumption under Business Cycle, ' 12th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Jiun-Nan Pan, 2018.07, 'The Determinants of Push-or-Pull into Self Employment: The Role of Gender in Taiwan, ' 12th Biennial Conference of Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association, Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association.(*為通訊作者)
- Lee, Wen-Chieh*;Kuang-Ta Lo;Hui Meng;Shinn-Shyr Wang, 2017.06, 'How Would Infant Industry Evolve in Facing Trade Retaliation?–The Case of Photovoltaic Industry in China, ' 2017 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;曾彥登, 2017.05, '景氣波動對租稅收入之不對稱分析, ' 第九屆兩岸財經前沿問題研討會, 人民大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*, 2016.03, '臺灣房地產稅制之簡析, ' 房地產稅收研討會, 人民大學.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*, 2016.01, 'Contemporary Issues of Public Finance in Taiwan, ' AGI-NCCI Joint Seminar, Asia Growth Institute.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;鍾穎, 2015.05, '所得分配與捐贈行為之探討–台灣的實證研究, ' 第七屆兩岸財經前沿問題研討會, 人民大學.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Yu-I Peng;Jr-Tsung Huang, 2014.07, 'Asymmetric Responses of Charitable Giving under Business Cycle, ' 10th Biennial Conference, Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA).(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Yu-I Peng, 2014.06, 'Asymmetric Responses of Charitable Giving under Business Cycle, ' 89th Annual Conference, Western Economics Association International (WEAI).(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;彭祐宜;韓幸紋, 2013.08, '財政收入、支出與餘額的結構性問題, ' 第十屆海峽兩岸財稅學術研討會, 中國財政學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;彭祐宜, 2013.05, '結構性財政餘額的估算與其重要性, ' 第五屆兩岸財經前沿問題研討會, 人民大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 郭振雄*;陳香梅;羅光達, 2012.12, '台灣工業部門生態效率:環境距離函數應用, ' 中華財政學會第四屆第二次(2012年)會員大會暨學術研討會, 中華財政學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 郭振雄*;陳香梅;羅光達, 2012.11, '台灣工業部門二氧化碳排放減量成本:環境方向性距離函數之應用, ' 綠色低碳發展經濟發展研討會, 中國天津大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 郭振雄*;陳香梅;羅光達, 2012.11, '台灣工業部門二氧化碳排放減量成本, ' 兩岸節能減碳之技術創新與產業發展研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳香梅*;羅德成;羅光達, 2011.09, '台灣未來碳市場供需規模之初探, ' 兩岸低碳社會與綠色成長推動策略研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Ya-Ting Yang, 2011.07, 'Environmental Change and Economic Growth, ' Conference of Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Analysis of Experiences of Good Practice and Progress in Low Carbon Regional Development in Taiwan and Austria.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta;Hsin-Yi Lin, 2009, 'New Evidence of Tax Price Elasticity of Giving, ' 84th Annual Conference of Western Economics Association International (WEAI).
- Kuo, Jenn-Shyong;Yi-Cheng Ho;Kuang-Ta Lo, 2009, 'The Association of Debt Financing with Not-for-Profit Hospitals' Donations: The Case in Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Regional Conference, International Society for the Third Sector Research (ISTR).
- Lo, Kuang-Ta;Huan-Te Lin;Chu-Wei Tseng, 2009, 'A Study on Tax Burden of Cigarette Taxes and Characteristics of Smoking Families in Taiwan, ' 2009 International Conference on FCTC: Control of Demand and Supply of Tobacco and International Trade.
- 羅光達;莊靖怡, 2008, '不同捐贈習慣者的捐贈價格彈性, ' 中華財政學會年會.
- Lo, Kuang-Ta, 2008, 'An Introduction to Alternative Minimum Tax - By International Comparisons, ' Hitotsubashi University. Ref.
- Lo, Kuang-Ta;Min-Yu Wu, 2008, 'The Influence of Homeownership on Fertility in Taiwan - Evidence from Regional-Based Panel Data, ' 83th Annual Conference, Western Economics Association International (WEAI).
- Huang, Jr-Tsung;Kuang-Ta Lo;Jiun-Nan Pan, 2007, 'Income, Working Hours and Work Incentives in Taiwan: The Evidence from 1981 to 2005, ' 7th Biennial Conference, Asian Consumer and Family Economics Association (ACFEA). Ref.
- Lo, Kuang-Ta, 2006, 'The Saving Effects of Saving Incentive Programs -The Case of Roth IRAs, ' 81th Annual Conference, Western Economics Association International (WEAI).
- Lo, Kuang-Ta, 2005, 'Roth IRA and Its Saving Effects, ' 2005 財政學術研討會, 中華財政學會.
- Lo, Kuang-Ta, 2005, 'Are Cash Giving and Noncash Substitute Goods?, ' 80th Annual Conference, Western Economics Association International (WEAI).
Book Edited
- Lo, Kuang-Ta, 2005, 'Tax Incentives and Household Behaviors: The Cases of Charitable Contributions and Retirement Savings, ' Doctoral Dissertation, University of Washington. Ref.
Book Chapters
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Shih-Ying Wu, 2015, 'Giving in Taiwan – On the Rise Following Economic Growth and Political Democratization, ' The Palgrave Research Companion to Global Philanthropy, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.455-472.(*為通訊作者)
- Lo, Kuang-Ta*;Yang, Ya-Ting, 2012, 'A Preliminary Look at the Relationship Between Environmental Change and Economic Growth in Taiwan, ' Low-carbon Policy and Development in Taiwan, InTech Publisher, pp.69-87.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Hsieh, Chee-Ruey*;Kuang-Ta Lo;Yichen Hong;Ya-Chen Shih, 2007, 'Pharmaceutical Innovation and Health Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, ' Pharmaceutical Innovation: Incentives, Competition, and Cost-Benefit Analysis in International Perspective, Cambridge University Press, pp.242-261.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Research Report
- 曾正男*;韓幸紋*;羅光達;楊子霆, 2018.10, '賦稅服務續階計畫–建置電子帳簿服務, ' 財政部財政資訊中心.(*為通訊作者)
- 黃明聖*;徐偉初;黃淑惠;羅光達, 2018.10, '菸稅之自動穩定機制, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 曾巨威*;羅時萬;張佳雯;羅光達, 2016.12, '如何建立以空菸盒推估我國私菸市場規模之作業機制, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;羅時萬;徐崑明, 2016.05, '現行房屋稅制對設定地上權之租稅負擔影響分析, ' 台北金融大樓股份有限公司.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;羅時萬;張佳雯, 2015.12, '菸品走私對我國菸品稅捐收入影響之推估, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 何怡澄*;郭振雄;羅光達;陳國樑, 2015.05, '產業創新條例第10條之稅式支出及績效評估, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達;鄭清霞;韓幸紋*;王靜怡, 2014.10, '健保新制下費率調整機制及其公式之研究, ' 衛生福利部中央健康保險署.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;羅時萬;單珮玲, 2014.03, '我國兩稅合一制度現況檢討與未來改革方向, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*, 2014, '台灣捐贈家庭的長期趨勢分析(2/2), ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳香梅*;郭振雄;羅光達, 2013.12, '因應低碳與綠色成長之排放交易制度建置研究(3/3)─第二分項子計畫:碳交易市場最適規模規劃與評估, ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
- 連賢明*;羅光達;韓幸紋;黃勢璋, 2013.11, '評估外籍專業人才的稅收與經濟效益, ' 工業技術研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*, 2013.07, '台灣捐贈家庭的長期趨勢分析(1/2), ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅光達*;彭祐宜, 2012.12, '財政收支餘額結構性分析, ' 財政部稅制委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳香梅*;郭振雄;羅光達, 2012.12, '因應低碳與綠色成長之排放交易制度建置研究(2/3)─ 第二分項子計畫:碳交易市場最適規模規劃與評估, ' 國科會.(*為通訊作者)
- 連賢明*;韓幸紋;許績天;羅光達;李妙純;汪志勇, 2012.10, '健保新制財務規劃之研究(二), ' 衛生署.(*為通訊作者)
- 何怡澄*;賴育邦;羅光達;徐崑明, 2012.08, '我國綜合所得稅課稅單位制之研究, ' 財政部.(*為通訊作者)
- 陳香梅;羅德成;羅光達, 2011.12, '因應低碳與綠色成長之排放交易制度建置研究(1/3)─ 第二分項子計畫:碳交易市場最適規模規劃與評估, ' 國科會.
- 曾巨威;羅光達;黃則強;廖如敏, 2011, '人口指標於財源分配之重要性, ' 新北市政府.
- 曾巨威;孫克難;卓輝華;羅時萬;羅光達;丁福致 陳建宏, 2011, '房屋稅課徵合理化, ' 臺北市稅捐稽徵處.
- 曾巨威;羅光達;廖如敏, 2010, '運動產業發展獎助條例(草案)稅式支出評估案, ' 行政院體育委員會.
- 連賢明;許績天;陳素秋;何怡澄;羅光達;韓幸紋, 2009, '全民健保部分負擔制度之研究, ' 行政院衛生署. Ref.
- 羅光達, 2008, '依捐贈多寡與變異程度再探捐贈行為的租稅價格效果, ' 國科會. Ref.
- 黃智聰;何怡澄;羅光達;潘俊男, 2008, '以調整綜合所得稅制度作為鼓勵生育政策之研究, ' 行政院經濟建設委員會. Ref.
- 羅光達, 2007, '自有住宅對台灣地區家庭生育決策之影響, ' 國科會. Ref.
- 羅光達, 2006, '美國最低稅負制度對捐贈行為之影響, ' 國科會. Ref.
- 黃達夫;謝啟瑞;羅光達;孫佳鳳;吳仁佑, 2006, '健保給付制度對藥品使用的影響, ' 行政院衛生署. Ref.
- Year
- Project Name
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- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 113
- 「教育統計指標之國際比較」(含我國教育經費編算之國際比較)書刊檢視
- 2024-04~2025-03
- Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 112
- 2023年「歐盟官員臺灣研究訪問團(政治經濟研究)」
- Principal Investigator
- 2023-08~2023-08
- Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 永續衍生性商品創新之研究
- 2021-09~2021-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 我國房屋稅轉嫁租金效果之研究
- Principal Investigator
- 2021-08~2021-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 永續金融和推動永續發展目標:2021-2030的展望
- 2021-06~2022-08
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 後備軍人召集優待條例草案第十條之稅式支出評估報告研究案
- Principal Investigator
- 2021-03~2021-07
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 108
- 檢討綜合所得稅免稅額及各項扣除額之合理性
- 2019-09~2020-05
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 108
- 綠建築標章獎勵措施可行性與推廣計畫
- 2019-03~2019-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 107
- 菸稅之自動穩定機制
- 2018-08~2018-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 106
- 賦稅服務續階計畫-建置電子帳簿服務
- 2017-12~2018-10
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 105
- 現行房屋稅制對設定地上權開發之租稅負擔影響分析
- Principal Investigator
- 2016-03~2016-07
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 104
- 菸品走私對我國菸品稅捐收入影響之推估
- Principal Investigator
- 2015-06~2015-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 103
- 產業創新條例第10條之稅式支出及績效評估
- 2014-07~2015-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 103
- 健保新制下費率調整機制及其公式之研究
- Principal Investigator
- 2014-02~2014-10
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 我國兩稅合一制度現況檢討與未來改革方向
- Principal Investigator
- 2013-05~2014-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 評估外籍專業人才的稅收與經濟效益計畫
- 2013-03~2013-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 101
- 我國財政收支餘額的結構性分析
- Principal Investigator
- 2012-05~2012-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 101
- 我國綜合所得稅課稅單位制之研究
- 2012-03~2012-07
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 101
- 健保新制財務規劃之研究(第二年)
- 2012-02~2012-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 98
- 全民健保部分負擔制度之研究
- 2009-06~2009-12
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 104
- 教學優良教師獎(通識課程;教學特優(104,099,098))
- 國立政治大學
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 98
- 教學優良教師獎(共同及通識課程)
- 國立政治大學
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- USA/University of Washington, Seattle.
- Economics
- Ph.D.
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 副教授
- 財政學系
- 2012-02 ~ 2019-08
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 助理教授
- 財政學系
- 2005-08 ~ 2012-02
- Title
- Department/Division
- Job Position
- Date
- 助教
- 財政學系
- 1996-02 ~ 1999-08